


I consider myself a foodie. Eating is most definitely a hobby of mine. Yet my experience has been that the more food I eat the more I want. Just like with any other addiction I suppose. One of the things I have started doing the past 3 years is to go on a raw food detox. When I first did this 3 years ago, I had been suffering from migraines for quite some time. The migraines however were getting increasingly worse. It got to the point where I was going to the doctor to get a shot to be able to function. I heard about this place in San Diego called Optimum Health Institute. I was desperate so I decided to give it a try. I definitely learned a lot about healing my body with organic raw foods. I felt like a new person after one week of staying there. I still however have not given up the foodie side of who I am. I do find though that every time I go, I pick up a new healthy habit. This time I continued the detox for almost a whole week after leaving. I also plan to incorporate more raw foods into my diet & continue to juice veggies and wheatgrass.

At OHI this is what a typical breakfast consists of.. usually some sort of organic fruit. like watermelon, oranges or cantalope
this is a typical raw lunch. salad greens, sprouts, seed cheese
a raw dinner, cold organic tomato soup, raw crackers, salad greens and sprouts
for 2 1/2 days you do only juice

The organic garden at OHI

I love avocado ;)
aren't the colors pretty?
red and yellow chard
beautiful artichoke plant

OHI San Diego
6970 Central Avenue, Lemon Grove, CA 91945
(800) 993-4325 or (619) 464-3346