
I don't know how to cook| Inland Empire Food Photography

Hi internet, I have created this blog to document my journey of learning how to cook. I want to be fabulous rock star health food guru foodie. :D
Actually I would be fine if I could just have some sort of an idea on what to make for dinner everyday. Other than Chicken, brown rice and beans. Because that seems to be the only thing I put on the dinner table like 3-4 times a week. Something that won't make my boyfriend look sad when he sees what I put on his plate. I eat chicken. I eat beef. but I try to keep it to a minimum. If I could whip up healthier better tasting dishes I would for sure. I can't say now that I am willing to give up meat. But, I would like to be able to one day. Today I am just a vegan wannabe.

This is what I made for dinner the other night

I put some veggies in the oven and accidentaly baked them for too long because some of them like the squash was a little chewy on the edges. Its Yellow squash, eggplant, red and orange bell peppers, and red onion.

I put all the veggies between these orowheat sandwich thins. (This was the first time I tried these and I really liked the bread)
I added hummus, Queso fresco a little avocado and salad greens. They were yummy. I didn't take a picture of the final product because I was so hungry I just ate it. That happens with me and food I just cant wait sometimes...

Thank-you for stopping by my blog and keep coming back ;)

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